Workspaces allow you to structure content into logical categories. For example it is possible to power mutliple websites with a single CMS dashboard by using a workspace per website. Editors can easily switch workspaces in the dashboard.
export const cms = createCMS({
workspaces: {
// Define a main workspace
main: alinea.workspace('Main workspace', {
// Define Roots
pages: alinea.root('Pages'),
// Workspace configuration
[alinea.meta]: {
color: '#3F61E8',
source: 'content',
mediaDir: 'public'
Workspaces should be defined in your CMS config.
Pick a theme color this workspace.
A directory in which published content is stored.
// content is stored in the `content` directory
source: './content'
A directory in which uploaded files are placed. In case you're using Alinea to manage web content this will often point to a directory that is made publicly available so an url can be created to download or display the file.
// uploaded files are placed in the `public` folder
mediaDir: './public'