Querying content

    The CMS instance that is exported in your config file can be used to query the stored data.

    import {cms} from '@/cms'
    const homePage = await cms.get(HomePage())

    Retrieving a page

    A single page can be fetched using the get method. Criteria can be passed to filter entries.

    // Fetch the first page where field equals the string 'value'
    const page = await cms.get(Page({field: 'value'}))

    Retrieving multiple pages

    Multiple pages can be fetched using the find method.

    // Fetch all pages where field equals the string 'value'
    const pages = await cms.find(Page({field: 'value'}))

    Limiting results

    A result set can be limited using skip and take.

    // Skip the first 10 pages and return a maximum of 10
    const limited = await cms.find(Page().skip(10).take(10))

    Pages can be queried with search terms. Any (rich) text field with the searchable option set to true is indexed.

    const results = await cms.find(
      Page().search('query', 'content')

    Querying specific pages

    To filter pages on specific fields first narrow the search to a type, then use the where method to specify conditions.

    const old = await cms.find(
    const teenager = await cms.find(Human().where(
    const applesOrOranges = await cms.find(
      Fruit().where(Fruit.title.isIn(['apple', 'orange']))

    Conditions can be created by accessing the fields of the table instances and using the operators of Expr:

    BlogPost.title // This is an Expr<string> which has an `is` method to compare
    BlogPost.title.is("Test") // Compare with a value, results in an Expr<boolean>

    Ordering results

    A result set can be ordered by passing one or multiple fields.

    const ordered = await cms.find(NewsItem().orderBy(NewsItem.publishDate.desc())

    Group by

    Results can be grouped by one or more fields.

    const grouped = await cms.find(

    Selecting specific fields

    Resulting rows can be narrowed to contain only specific fields.

    // Return only titles
    const rows = await cms.find(
      Page().select({title: Page.title})